Winter steelhead fishing has been great. The weather is looking good as we get ready for the spring run of steelhead. We had some rain yesterday and today which has bumped up river levels. Lately, we have been fishing both the Grand and Muskegon rivers. We have dates open this month and next for, Read More
Winter steelhead fishing has been great. There has been a big improvement in numbers of steelhead compared to the last couple of years. At the current time we are in the thick of a deep freeze, and most rivers are locked up. But any warm-up we get will open the rivers up and we, Read More
Its been a busy couple of months, so I apologize for the lapse in reports. Our smallmouth bass season ended strong. What great summer fishing we had. I started running King Salmon trips around labor day weekend, and it has been fun. The season started out with very warm temperatures and low clear rivers, Read More
Summer has definitely arrived. The weather has been hot, and the smallmouth bite has been too. Both the Muskegon and Grand Rivers have been fishing great. Topwater fishing has been good on some days and the finesse fishing has been consistent. We have been catching a lot of fish on our trips and getting, Read More
The spring smallmouth bass bite has been good on both the Grand and Muskegon Rivers. The trout fishing has been good on the Muskegon River and other northern rivers. I have been doing combo trips on the Muskegon River, starting the day out trout fishing and then switching to smallmouth bass as the day, Read More
Steelhead season is winding down. Still a few steelhead around, but not the numbers we usually see. A mild winter and warm spring had the fish spawning quickly and exiting the river. Lower than normal hatchery fish this spring, probably due to the missed plant in 2020 due to Covid closures. I’m thinking that, Read More
We have seen about everything the weather could possibly throw at us over the last 2 weeks. Rain, snow, sunny & warm t-shirt weather and frigid cold. The Muskegon River has seen some major changes too. 5 days ago it was up to 4000 cfs with a stain, as of yesterday it was 2000, Read More
We have had a roller coaster ride as far as weather goes this week. 70 degrees one day, 20 degrees the next. We had some rain the other night. It was not much, and has not done much to the rivers yet anyways. The Grand may bump up as a little more rain fell, Read More
We have been running our charters on the Muskegon and Grand rivers the last few weeks and have been enjoying some very nice winter weather. The Muskegon is at a fairly normal level with very clear water conditions at the present time. We have been catching some steelhead and nice resident trout on recent, Read More
Late fall steelhead fishing has been good and we are now entering the winter season. This is still a great time to book a trip on the river, as steelhead are willing to play all winter. We have been running trips on a few different rivers lately, so feel free to contact me to, Read More